An individual’s tax return may be selected for examination (an audit) for several reasons. Your return may be selected based on the IRS’ computer scoring system, based on documentation supplied by third parties to the IRS, or based on tips or complaints that a taxpayer has not complied with the federal tax laws.

If a taxpayer’s case is selected for an audit, it is critical that the taxpayer seek an attorney to evaluate the scope and nature of the IRS’s audit, the likelihood of any fraud or non-fraud penalties, and the taxpayer’s options moving forward. During this examination process, taxpayers require significant guidance. With the assistance of counsel, a taxpayer  may be able to negotiate with the Revenue Agents to ensure that, if any adjustments are made to the tax return, they are fair and accurate. Further, if the proposed adjustments made by the Revenue Agents are unreasonable and a resolution cannot be achieved, an attorney may be able to make  a case to the local IRS Appeals office to reverse or modify some or all of the proposed adjustments. Lastly, if the Revenue Agent audit unearths potentially criminal conduct and a referral is made to IRS-CID, it is absolutely critical that a taxpayer contact counsel to vigorously defend the taxpayer’s rights.

Contact the Feldman Firm if you are the subject of an IRS examination or audit.